As I write this it is 10 am Wednesday morning November 4th. So far no one is calling the election one way or the other except Trump himself for himself, and that doesn’t count. I was calling this election for Trump up until the last week, when I dared to allow myself to hope. Now I figure those hopes will be dashed and Trump will prevail.
So we will find out if you are right and Trump starts shipping people off to death camps. I do not consider that a serious possibility. Certainly he will hurt a lot of people, more than he already has, and his base will eat it up. He has that reliable ~40% base. Everyone is talking about the extent of turnout but that includes those who fear he might lose.
I just checked and although there is still no clear winner, it doesn’t look good for Biden.
But as with his first term, the American system — the deep state, if you will — will continue to prevent his worst excesses. It won’t be pretty but it won’t be Nazi Germany.
The possibility exists that America will be defeated with out anyone firing a shot. If world leaders got together and settled on a different world currency that would do it. But then it’s hard for me to picture that. Even if there was a Bretton Woods II organized they would just squabble for a few days or weeks and accomplish nothing.
So I wait. Will I need to go to DC and get my head beaten in by Trump supporters, cops, or some combination of the two? Time will tell.