The chapter linked above is really worth a read right about now. Go ahead. It’s an 8 minute read. I know because I copy/pasted it into the story editor so that I could find out for you. But if 8 minutes is too much for your Medium conditioned 5-minute mind, here is a quote that, if it doesn’t prefigure the orange monster I don’t know what does:
“I, for instance, would not be in the least surprised if all of a sudden, A PROPOS of nothing, in the midst of general prosperity a gentleman with an ignoble, or rather with a reactionary and ironical, countenance were to arise and, putting his arms akimbo, say to us all: ‘I say, gentleman, hadn’t we better kick over the whole show and scatter rationalism to the winds, simply to send these logarithms to the devil, and to enable us to live once more at our own sweet foolish will!’”
My sister’s a Trump supporter. Unfortunately I’ve never discussed it with her. We have long maintained an unspoken agreement not to bring up politics at the few gatherings that exist in our far-flung family.