For God believers, and incidentally I am one, "proving" that God exists is beside the point. I mean there are some sillies who run around trying to do that, but...
For me it is the realization that a spiritual life is part of the heritage of the human race, and as a living breathing human I can claim that heritage. My current round of God belief didn't start that way, but that is where I am now. Others might say it is about faith and as such transcends reason. That's sort of the same thing.
Before you start going all Spock on me consider that while reason is a very fine thing, it only satisfies maybe one twentieth of one's life, as Dostoevsky knew. If we lived entirely by the dictates of reason we would never fall in love, cry over a piece of music, give money to a homeless person,...I could go on. Life, the life we actually live, includes reason, but we impoverish ourselves if we try to make it all about reason.
If that is not enough, consider that If we lived entirely by reason we would soon die. I nearly got hit by a speeding car recently. Had I looked at that speeding car and mentally deliberated as to the rational course of action I would not be writing this.
OK let me post this so I can go back and clap for your article. You tried.