Great job, Mr. Cain!
Here is where I confess that as a teenager I was greatly impressed by her novels. In my defense I point out that as a rule, teenagers are easily impressed. I tore through The Fountainhead and Anthem. I was sure I had discovered THE TRUTH. Then I got around to Atlas Shrugged, and that courtroom scene. Oh wait, that was in The Fountainhead, in which case I must have read that last. Whatever. The protagonist represents himself in court, because of course he does. After hand picking a jury of his peers, namely, sourpusses, he wows them with a boilerplate anti-communist screed such as I'd heard my father mockingly eviscerate throughout my whole life. I thought, "I'VE BEEN HAD!" and my Ayn Rand crush was over.
After that when I saw someone weeping over Anthem I'd start in about how stupid it was, because as a bullied teenager I made a point of being mean whenever I thought I could get away with it.
Speaking of, which is worse, Anthem or Johnathan Livingston Seagull? Tough decision.