How could you possibly know how much information I am taking in? Maybe we (extroverts) take in the same amount, but like doing it so we keep at it. Work harder to aquire knowledge? It would be hard to get much more vague than that. But I do have to work harder these days to get newly acquired knowledge to stick in my aging brain LOL!
What defines introversion/extroversion anyway? I'm saying I'm extroverted mainly because I enjoy performing for a crowd, small or large.
My daughter likes karaoke yet she's quite introverted. She got herself out of it to some extent as a work necessity because she gives presentations as part of her job, in fact she's come to like doing that, I guess because she's good at it.
I used to identify as introverted. I was when I was younger but when I examine the things I like doing now I have to revise that.
Love your writing BTW, in case you didn't know. Keep up the good work.