I can identify. This year I joined one of those teams that call “battleground” states. I never did that before. In 2016 I voted and also donated to the Clinton campaign. Unlike many people I was for Hillary Clinton, not just against Donald Trump. She was the most qualified presidential candidate I had ever seen, and didn’t care about all the lies and slander. It was so depressing that an intelligent, driven woman like her could lose to a bozo like Trump, who started by coasting on Obama’s economic legacy and ended by getting tens of thousands* of people killed.
This year I voted, donated, made calls, and worked at the polling place. Making calls didn’t feel like it was making a difference, or rather like I was making a difference, but now I look at it like voting in that it’s a group effort. Besides I did speak to one man in Georgia who had not voted but intended to vote early. He didn’t know that the day we spoke was the last day of early voting in Georgia nor where to go to vote. It was before noon so I was able to give him the information he needed in time for him to use it. He was a strong Biden supporter and as of this writing they are still counting votes in Georgia, so who knows? Maybe I personally made a difference after all.
* America would not have been spared had Trump not been president, but I am convinced that the people directly killed by his incompetence number in the tens of thousands, and that number is now climbing rapidly as the SARS-CoV-2 virus ravages the areas most thoroughly blinded by his malign influence.