I get what you are saying. Yet free will is so deeply enmeshed with our notions of what it is to be human that to deny free will is deny humanity. It is something like maintaining that consciousness is an illusion. Yet if consciousness is an illusion then I am an illusion, and I am not ready to concede that. Similarly, if free will is an illusion then I am not human, and I am not ready to concede that either. It is true that we may one day find the neurological correlates to consciousness and to free will, but will that demand that we give up on being human? It is something like the case with love. I fall in love, I know that I am in love. I might ask the question, “what is love?” Given a neurobiological explanation I would not be satisfied, unless my question was really,” What are the neurobiological correlates of love?”
It is all fascinating. Given the existential freight involved though strict materialism may not be enough.