I have a close rel who is on the sex offender registry after serving 2 years on a child porn charge. He's fortunate because he had the means to buy a house where it was legal for him to live.
The zone exclusions placed of the people on those registries extend to public playgrounds, day dare centers, bike paths, parks, etc. and so force more offenders than you might think into homelessness. There are typically no tiers involved to the one who gets out of prison after doing time for child porn possession, or having a link on one's device indicating a child porn download, or paying a fine for public urination, they all have the same restrictions as the one who did time for molestation.
Since there is no downside for anyone running for public office to campaign for the stiffening of requirements placed on occupants of sex offender registries, so expect this problem to get worse. Not incidentally assignment to sex offender lists is subject to the same racial biases as other legal penalties.
If you think all of this is effective and justified OK fine then, but there is zero evidence that any of it reduces the incidence of child sex abuse.