I love this story. For me it was music, which like dreaming is mystical. I was in a gospel choir called Rhode Island Gospel Choral Society and was assigned the solo role in the O'landa Draper song "I'll Never Stop Praising The Lord." I had never soloed before. I began singing sort of off to the side but a voice told me, "CONNECT WITH THE AUDIENCE YOU IDIOT!" so I did. It turned into something I had no words for. When the dust settled I believed. I had been attending a Unitarian church but now I knew I needed some religion in my church going so I started attending Episcopal services, that being what I was brought up in so it was familiar, eventually settling in Grace Episcopal Church in Providence. https://www.gracechurchprovidence.org/ a very welcoming place with a great music program. A good music program is very important to me.
I suppose it did hurt that many of the people in the gospel choir were strong believers, so I had that social influence in my life. Humans are extremely social creatures: what is social is real. (Ayn Rand was full of shit.)
Unfortunately that gospel choir fell apart. The director had his demons as they say nowadays.