I so much identify with this.
We used to have a New York Times Sunday subscription but it was like $180 every three months or something. We would “share” the Sunday crossword which meant that she had dibs on starting it. We always did it in ink. I was all set to go before Judge John Hodgeman and ask for a ruling to the effect that if she had not gotten to it by Wednesday, I could start it, but then we switched to the online subscription. About half the price of three months in paper gets a whole year including crosswords, and the world saves on trees! Anyway, you can fill in a paper crossword with ink and think you have completed it correctly. Online crosswords check your answers!
I can pretty much do the Monday, Tuesday, and sort-of Wednesday, occasionally Thursday & Sunday, but forget the rest! My wife blasts through the whole week. She utterly destroys me at Scrabble. Yet I’m the one with the advanced degree. Go figure!