I think about this story a lot. Perhaps we have misunderstood it all these millennia. Perhaps it is a parable about the acquisition of free will, or agency. In a sense free will IS original sin, because without it the concept of sin makes no sense. God provided the tree and forbade them to eat from it. Was that an experiment to find out if He had succeeded in creating beings in possession of true agency? If they did possessed free will even a universal intelligence could not predict everything they would do. If they disobeyed Him, it would indicate they could make actual choices. I picture God sending the serpent to help things along,.and praying that they would disobey and eat the forbidden fruit.Who does God pray to? Now there is a profound question!
“16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The knowledge of good and evil, and the ability to choose, that is, true humanity, would come at a terrible cost. All living things die, but we KNOW we will die.
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You can see why I keep getting kicked out of Bible study class.