I too have a friend who had anaphylactic shock from dose 1 of Pfizer and now is bummed because she can’t get dose 2. Her problems are exacerbated by people like you who focus on the very small risk of vaccine related problems while ignoring the much greater risk of COVID-19. Thanks a lot.
Also, the vaccines do what they are supposed to do, so you and the rest of the spreaders of misinformation can stuff it. They were intended to prevent illness and death and that’s what they do. They were not tested for prevention of infection because that would have added to the time needed to test. Any benefit, and there is some, in that regard is welcome. The fact that a greater percentage of people in hospital with COVID-19 are vaccinated reflects the fact that more people are vaccinated. Epidemiologists would that every one in hospital for COVID-19 was vaccinated because that would mean everyone was vaccinated and the disease would be rare, instead of spreading like wildfire among the unvaccinated thanks to people like you.