I wish we learned all that. But with individualism in ascendancy, we seem incapable of acting as a species. Instead, too many say, why should I wear a mask? It's uncomfortable and my personal risk of having any serious consequences is, what, .01%? Why should I bother? The fact that it is a CERTAINTY that many thousands of people will die unnecessarily if WE don't do it seems abstract. What's in it for ME? Freedom, freedom, freedom! Same thing with vaccines. Unlike masking (unless you are using N95s, which is what I always now. The beautiful cloth masks I made lie unused) OK, where was I? Oh yes, vaccines convey an individual benefit, but also a societal one, from the point of view of an epidemiologist. Did we listen? Again it's freedom freedom, freedom! People move from California to the hate hell-hole of Florida for "vaccine freedom!"
What a world! Climate change, the ultimate species wide threat, will squash us like so many worms on the road after a rain storm. The big thing we need to learn, how to act as a species, we haven't learned that, and don't seem likely to.
By the way, the reason I didn't clap for your article is that it is an unoriginal string of tired truisms. ChatAI could have done better.