I wonder. The human brain is the end result of millions of years of biological evolution selecting for the ability to react appropriately to changing situations in the world, involving both danger and opportunity, as well as subtle mixes of the same.
This evolution began with the immune system, destroying microscopic invaders. Because the environment in which the organism finds itself changes rapidly, especially when competing living things are thrown into the mix, the organism has to switch responses rapidly and flexibly in order to survive. The immune system operates to slowly to be effective for such tasks. We needed to develop the nervous system from that basis, ultimately culminating in what we perceive as free will.*
The important point is that this is a bottom up process, whereas computer programming is top down. It may now have some seemingly bottom up aspects programed into it, but even they are top down in origin.
Therefore I rather doubt it. We may some day create an artificial intelligence, but it won't be digital. It will more likely be an analog of the immune andnervous systems.
All that said, I greatly enjoyed your article. This is one of my favorite subjects.
*Setting aside, for now, the age-old and thorny question of how free free will it "actually* is.