If you think about it, this is true of the macro world as well. We don't have access to things as they are prior to our perceiving them, that is, the ultimate nature of "things is themselves" (as the continental philosophers put it) is forever closed to us. I look at my coffee carafe and see that it is blue, and that it is positioned about a foot and a half from me. But that is all sense data. What is it prior to my sensing of it? Experience tells me it's a "permanent object" and that if I put it somewhere, when I return to that spot it will be there unless outside forces conspire to move it.
We think of science as getting us closer to "things in themselves" but when we get as close as we can, that is, to the level of subatomic particles we are confronted with the fact that our senses mediate reality. Were we not constrained by out human notions of logic, none of quantum mechanics would seem strange. But absent such notions our species would never have accomplished all that it has. It's an inescapable circle.
"We can't turn, we can only look
Around from where we came."