I’m 70 and I still recover from illnesses and injuries relatively quickly, I mean, it requires more patience now, but compared to some of my septuagenarian friends, I have no cause for complaint.
I wear a mask whenever I go out understanding that it is for them that I do it, and thankfully in my little corner of the world other people do as well, at least in stores. Unfortunately our test positivity rate is now above 8%, the highest in New England. We were doing so well then we had to go and open the fucking bars.
Anyway, mask wearing is a communal thing, and we Americans have a lot of trouble with anything that flies in the face of rugged individualism bullshit. There are no Rambos in this fight. No quantity of guns or ammo clips will impress the SARS-CoV-2 virus. My question to people who eschew masks is, “Masking is caring. Do you give a shit about anyone besides yourself?” I’m afraid of the answer. I mask up even when I’m on my bike. There’s like zero chance that if I were positive I’m infect someone by whizzing by them, but maybe it will help people relax. Plus, I won’t inhale any bugs!
This is going to be a boring winter. I understand that a “90% effective” vaccine is in the offing for spring. Brace yourself for anti-vaxers banging on about “freedom.”