I’m a beta tester, and if the new phone app is anything like what is currently in beta then you will all be very disappointed. I’ve sent numerous messages to the beta team explaining why it is utterly non-relational, such as the abbreviated notification list, and the fact that if you get something like “so-and-so responded to such-and-such” and how if it’s a response and you have forgotten over the intervening six months what you were talking about — and who would remember? — you are at a dead end and can’t click back to the original story to remind yourself. That is far from the only non-relational aspect that I have detailed yet I have received zero responses and seen no evidence that any of my concerns have been addressed.
If the updated phone app is anything like the beta it’s a real turkey. If they roll it out and continue to brag about how relational they are making everything then I just do not know.