I'm glad my response didn’t upset you. Another thing about string theory is that it was developed as part of the ongoing attempt to reconcile gravity, which makes sense in relativity, with quantum theory, where it refuses to fit.
But we can wonder about how much sense gravity makes vis-a-vis relativity now that dark matter had to be invoked in order to paper over that little problem that all the galaxies in the universe should have spun themselves apart eons ago.
So there we have quantum mechanics, which makes mathmatical but not intuitive sense, (unless you consider mathematics to be a form of intuition), and the problem that intuitively, galaxies should not exist. Both of these fields of endeavor lie far beyond what we humans need to survive. Again, is God trying to tell us something?
I explored some of this in an article that almost got published in Brain Labs but the lead editor (not Andrew) rejected it after reading about 1/4 of it. It's now waiting on Koinonia to get back to me with👍or 👎as to whether or not I'm too much of a heretic to be one of their writers. They haven't even seen the article yet but I gave them links to a few of the more theological of my MuddyUm articles, no doubt dooming my chances. Ah, me!