I’m not in that state and I’ve lived in the US all my life. The likelihood of being killed in a mass shooting (I would that we call it what it is: “mass murder” instead of the common euphemism) is very low. Had I scored a ticket to the stones I would have gone without a second thought. I’m far more likely to be killed riding my bicycle (1 in 4030 vs 1 in 11125 — and that’s over the course of a lifetime. The chances of it happening on any particular day are infinitesimal.) I use a bicycle for basic transportation so my odds must be higher but I keep at it because I love it and I won’t give in to fear. Some people think I’m nuts for going out and mixing it up with motor vehicle traffic. (Little known fact: The vast majority of drivers are nice.)
Since most people don’t understand statistics they see news reports about these horrible events then get all stressed out. A little perspective will help. Unfortunately the authorities don’t help. They do stupid stuff like posting stress inducing signs and making stress inducing announcements in public places. Or making people take off their shoes before boarding planes. Thankfully that’s been discontinued. But to me those announcements and signs are absurd background noise. Even if someone did leave an article of baggage what are the odds that it contains an explosive vs that the owner just spaced it and is even now hurrying back in the hope of retrieving it? Yet if someone brings it to the attention of one of the security guards there will be pandemonium as they evacuate the place. People may well injured or even killed. Nice work, guys.