My wife is and always was a cat person. When we met I found I was very allergic to her cat. When we moved in together I got prescription anti-allergins. Also an inhaler and pills for the asthmatic problems cat dander caused me.
Over time I occasionally forgot to take it, and began to notice that forgetting it did not result in any problems, so I experimented with longer and longer breaks until I discovered that I didn’t need it any more. Same for the inhaler and related medications. I had aged out of my allergies and asthma.
So take heart! You may age out of it as well.
One thing I am grateful for is that my wife followed a no-pets-in-the-bed rule so her cat was accustomed to that regime. We now have a two story house and two cats who are never allowed upstairs where the bedrooms are. This helps when we have guests who are sensitive.