Someone important to me in my life believes the moon landings were faked. She needs them to be fake because the famous "earthrise" picture contradicts her belief that the earth is flat. There is no point bringing up similar pictures take during Chinese space missions. When we are together we have other things to do than talk about the moon landing or the shape of the earth. I figure it is her problem. I don't want to create friction between us.
The anomalies people bring up about the moon landing are easily explainable. In that sense it is similar to the 911 attacks. I spent a lot of time back then rebutting 911 conspiracy arguments on Facebook. It was a fool's errand. If people want to believe conspiracy theories they will believe them. I not asked her but I feel certain my sister believes that victory in the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump through the operation of massive electoral fraud.
Much as proponents try to prop them up with specious logical arguments, none of these beliefs are about logic. If someone we love believes one of more of them we just have to live with it. If you contradict them they will accuse you of being a government patsy. Who needs it?
Incidentally, I believe in God. There is nothing logical about it. I also believe in love. That is not logical either.