Thank you for this article. It’s so strange and interesting how many different ways there are for music to be in the life of a human being. Music is huge in my life but strangely I almost never listen to it. Instead I have many opportunities to participate in it. Especially choral singing, that I really love. Then recently I joined an activist street band. That’s been so much fun I can’t even begin to tell you. I played the baritone horn through elementary school and high school but then didn’t play it for more than fifty years, but it’s coming back to me. Every time we perform or rehearse more of it clicks into place. Unfortunately participation in this band has resulted in in less time for choir and I’ve had to drop one, but we all have to make choices.
I used to listen to music constantly, but now for some reason it feels weird to do so, although I have been trying to familiarize myself with some of the genres that the band plays that I was not very familiar with before.
Music is really basic, it speaks to us without words. When there are words involved it gives them new and undiscovered meaning.
I tend to ramble so I better shut up now.
Thank you again,