Thank you for your concern, but as of 6:58 Wednesday morning I am staring down the barrel of an electoral college victory for Trump. I donated to the Biden campaign, I made calls to “battleground” states*, I voted, and I worked in the polling place for the Primary and the General, but it’s really looking like it was all for nought. As a retired cis white man 4 more years of Trump will probably not go badly for me, assuming I manage not to get COVID-19**, but it’s still going to suck anyway and it will be awful for many of my friends and associates.
* It’s so weird that that is even a thing. But alas! It is our law.
** OTOH with Trump in office and a senate majority on his side the pandemic may still be raging when he finally leaves office in 4 years to make way for the Limbaugh administration, or something.