That will no doubt become true. Nothing like free services to bring people around. Should they come into being, enjoy the grandchildren.
I don't have any grandchildren, but in other respects I guess I'm a lucky one. I became my daughter's friend as a result of taking on the task of teaching her to drive at age 30, my wife having declared her nerves unequal to the task. Now we close down the local karaoke bars about once per month. I make a fool of myself but she's OK with it.
My BFF's adult daughter hates her. She refuses to use they/them as requested and is now in the same unenvyable position as a fundamentalist with a gay child. She's no fundamentalist and no homophobe but as a TERF she found the they/them thing a bridge to far. She has been asking me for advice but keeps contradicting me so I think it's time for me to lay it on the line. I have it half composed, starting with "You know I love you."