That’s the dilemma, isn’t it? Keep us cooped up too long and we start to go crazy. Try to go back to “normal” and we make each other sick all over again, and it was all for nothing. Wait a minute, isn’t that the famous Sunk Cost Fallacy?
There are no easy answers. I for one could go with bowing instead of shaking hands, an end to hugs as greetings, and wearing a mask all the time. Everything I’m reading, everything reputable that is, says that masking is a thing we do for each other, that it doesn’t work unless almost everybody does it. As the weather warms up it gets to be more and more of a drag. But if I go into a store and there are too many unmasked people I’m out of there. Fortunately here in Rhode Island people are good about it. But masking is already a political statement. Trump rallies are about to start up and you can bet that indoors or out no one will wear a mask. I’m starting to think the unthinkable.
I love choir so what happens to that? Maybe all members get tests at the same time, only those with negative results show, and if you feel the slightest bit sick oh well don’t show. I don’t know. I never knew depression before, but that’s how my mind is unraveling now.