This article really resonated with me. Having been Wiccan most of my life I was surrounded by New Age woo-woo but mostly kept my peace because the festivals were great fun. A woman I met at Earthspirit one year (she was not Wiccan or a New Ager but was brought by a friend who told her, "Cmon, you'll meet a guy!") while we were walking around among the tchotchke sellers said to me, "If these things had half the 'energy' they are supposed to, we'd all die of cancer on the spot."
Oh gawd those were the days! It was said, "If you can't get laid at a pagan fest you can't get laid."
Now they are relatively staid affairs. Nobody walks around naked. They wear bathing suits in the sauna. I've heard that the young people don't get as much action as we did. It shows.