This has noting to do with that quote, but I often wonder if the unfolding of the history of scientific discovery is God telling us to get over ourselves.
God: "No, the universe does not revolve around you. Not only that but it's so vast you can't even imagine, and you are stuck in a romote corner of it because that's all it has; remote corners. Not ouly that but most of it is made up of stuff that has nothing to do with your little lives. Not only that, but even the stuff you are made out of, when you dig down into it, it boggles your minds. You don't need to know any of that in order to make little copies of yourselves, but you have this crazy curiosity such that you can't stop asking questions, the answers to which spawn more questions, and so on.
But I gave you one job (Mark 12:30-31) and you sure are fucking that up, aren't you?"