This is starting to look like a Twitter thread with everyone piling on. Yes he's a loathsome excrescence who did not get the punishment he deserves, and will not as long as there are piles of money to be made from his athletic prowess.
But were I not a 72 year old man with chronic shoulder and hip pain would I join a possy to go take a belt sander to his eyes*?
1) Then I'd be like him.
2) There are plenty of monsters out there. When would I stop belt sanding out eyes?
Deep breaths, people. Anger, in particular this kind of impotent rage, is like taking poison and expecting the target of your anger to die.
Fortunately I'm not a sports fan and I never watch the Super Bore so I don't have to add that to my catalog of hypocrisies.
* Started watching Gangs of London, sorry.