"VAERS alone is scary to look at..." Clearly you don't know what VAERS even is. I participated in it. It stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. You get a message each day to report your health for a week or two (I have forgotten) after vaccination, then every week for a month or two, then after I think it was 6 months. They ask, among other things, if you have been in the hospital since the last report. Last time I got one I had gone to the hospital because of a bicycle crash so I reported that. They followed up. VARES exists to capture every adverse event following vaccination whether it had anything to do with vaccination or not, so that patterns, if any, can be detected. For example, if there was a bump in the number of people crashing their bicycles 4 months after vaccination, it would be worth investigating weather of not the vaccine caused problems with kinesthetic equilibrium down the road.
When you give out millions of vaccines and you are preferentially giving them to old people, a lot of them are going to die because old people die, vaccinated or not. It's one of the things we old people do. This accounts for the hockey stick pattern in the VAERS graphs.
For god's sake go back to school. Maybe you will listen when they discuss the fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc this time.