Very powerful. I hope you don’t mind if I share my experience.
My brother took so long to die I don’t know how to count it. Let’s just say that the final year and a half of his life were utter misery. The whole miserable sorry mess began in the jungles of Thailand where he was exposed to Agent Orange, so I guess you can say that the US government killed him. His first major crisis was about a year and a half from his death but he had been declining for some time. He was unconscious and semi-conscious for a solid month. He crawled out of that & went in and out of rehab but never got all the way back before he fell and it really fucked him up. I went to see him and could tell just by the way he spoke and everything that he had given up. Thank God that only lasted about two or three weeks before he was dead because he was experiencing considerable pain and had nothing to look forward to but someone coming to change his shitty diaper. The only thing that was remotely positive is that I had the presence of mind to tell him that I loved him like I don’t know maybe a week before he died. I couldn’t tell him again because next time I went there he was sleeping & I felt it best to let him do so and then was dead before I got there again.
I never told him I loved him any other time unfortunately. We have never been a demonstrative family.