When I was in junior high it was called "social dancing." I didn't want to but big brother said it was cool, and big brother was the epitome cool, so I went.
We were taught dances like the waltz, fox trot, mamba (or was that samba?) and so forth but first we were taught the proper way for a gentleman to ask a lady to dance. The ladies had to accept all dance proposals and the dances involved physical touching. That freaks a lot of people out nowadays, but there it is there. I soon learned who to ask and who not to ask. Dancing with an unwilling partner is deeply awkward.
There was ladies choice and I would have been left standing had it not been for one girl who often made a bee line for me. She was a head and change taller than me. Of course I could not stand her but that was because I was an idiot. I often reflect how different my junior high experience might have been had I not been such a fool, in fact I've written about it more than once.
I had bullies out the yin-yang. When I was a high school junior there was a girl who seemed to like me but that time I was not so obstinate.
You know how the adults always tell you to ignore the bullies and they will let up, but the bullies know you are only pretending to ignore them so they bully you all the more? I was so smitten that nothing else existed in my world, including bullies. I ACTUALLY ignored them and they ACTUALLY stopped bullying me!
Silly me! I could have worked that magic years before and spared myself so much torment!