Yeah I even had enough left over for a Taco Bell value meal — two in June. You talk about high rollers. Like you I’m not complaining because I’d do it anyway.
On the subject of publications (mentioned in the OP*) I’ve had to wean myself away from my original go-to publication because it disallows the paywall. But then IIRC being able to put paywalled articles in publications is relatively new.
Annoyingly, my sole curated article is in the aforementioned publication and therefore not paywalled. I don’t even have to tell you which one it is because it will no doubt appear directly below this response. The exposure results in claps and responses continuing to trickle in. It now has over 600 claps — for me that’s going viral. I didn’t even know it was curated or even how to tell if an article is curated until I inquired of Medium help why it always appeared below my responses, and was there done way to swap it out for something more recent? But alas, the only way that will happen is if another of my articles is deemed worthy by the Great Curators of Medium. I have to wonder why it was curated anyway, in that, as my dear RL and Medium friend (that rare and blessed combination) Rkayell pointed out, it violates the fundamental rule of essay writing that Mr. Mack attempted to bang into my thick skull.
*By using this acronym I cleverly establish my internet cred!