Yes, all very logical and as such beside the point (albeit well-written as always!) when it comes to the meaning of human existence, which we ascribe to ourselves through stories, which we then serve. Humans are unique in this ability to create stories then subvert our personal and animal needs and desires, for food, sex, even our very breath, to the service of the same. The survival value of this is self-evident. We assembled ourselves into ever increasing, even world spanning, associations, ever increasing our numbers and dominating the natural world. In these latter days we see our peril. The sages tried to warn us. Will our efforts to set things right succeed before we cause ourselves unspeakable hardship, even extinction? In an animal reaction, our reproductive rates fall.
I see where you are going, but isn’t this just another manifestation of asceticism?
"All this high-mindedness we smear over our filthy animal lives is so much bullshit. Art, culture, beauty. Bah, humbug! Humbug I say! Are you forgetting that in a couple of hours you will squat down and take a shit, then sit down and eat the remains of things that were once just as alive as you, you stinking hypocrite! Did you forget to wash your hands again, you filthy pig? Then tonight you will be overcome with animal lust as you set to licking your sex partner, even on the very orifice through which they earlier shat? Face it, you are just a filthy, selfish, disgusting animal!"
Who wants to walk around thinking that? I'm happy to admit to myself that I'm a bundle of contradictions, then get on with my life, my music, the beauty of the world, and my delight in it.