You guys disappoint me. Zoonotic transmission, which has happened over and over in human history, in fact every pathenogenic virus that has ever been traced to anything has a zoonotic origin, doesn't deliver a bad guy. Humans like having someone to blame. If COVID resulted from the ceaseless churning of the natural world it's kinda hard to blame someone, although after SARS 1 the Chinese were supposed to clean up those wet markets, and they didn't. Fox News didn't seem to be aware of that, so they started humping lab leak. What does a Fox News commentator know about a furin cleavage site? I suppose the CIA might know more, or at least be willing to find out, but spare me. It's their job to find bad guys. Selection bias much? They are the hammer of bad guys, so to them everything looks like a nail.
So people want someone to blame, and if they're Chinese, so much the better. Seriously, I don't see how anyone can miss the racist aspect of this lab leak thing. Racists could blame the Chinese anyway as I mentioned, but they typically aren't that clever. Besides, "Wuhan Institute of Virology" has the word "institute" in it, so with lab leak you get to throw academia into the blame mix. Sure you can find a few scientists spouting lab leak, but you can find a few scientists spouting creationism too. If you want to hear every lab leak theory demolished by actual scientists search the archives of the podcast TWIV.