You know those nice old ladies you meet in the supermarket? They’re all hoarders. They’re all like one of my friends who goes to St. Vincent DuPaul for “forty for forty” day and takes home 40 more dresses when she must have 40 dressers and they’re all crammed, I mean it’s this huge fucking old house & she lives alone, and clothes are folded and stacked literally everywhere, on every piece of furniture, all gathering dust, and in her attic are clothes racks from one end to the other all crammed with dresses & shit so that you couldn’t get another dress on the rack if your life depended on it. I asked & she said she liked supporting St. Vincent DuPaul.
Me: Then why not just give them the forty bucks?
Her: Oh, you know…
Actually I don’t. She really is a sweetheart though.